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Discussion: The Digital Divide

Carlos G. Rivera
4 min readJan 31, 2021


Currently we live in a society divided by things like social classes, gender, and race. The global distribution of resources and materials create a social divide. This social gap puts the rich in a position of power and some argue that technology only adds to the divide between the rich and the poor. This creates an ethical dilemma and brings forth the concept of the digital divide, which can be defined as the socioeconomic gap created by computer based technologies and unequal internet access. In this post, I will discuss two conflicting points of view and create an argument for digital technologies as a driver of social inequality or a democratizing force in our society.

How Digital Technologies Contribute to Social Inequality

Income Inequality

Many believe that the main cause of income inequality arises from automation. Developing technologies in Artificial Intelligence are becoming very efficient in tasks for inventory management and manufacturing. AI is already being used in stores during the checkout process, replacing cashiers and store clerks. This can lead us to think that automation destroys jobs, causes unemployment, and only helps the rich get richer. This may not be exactly true. Research shows that in reality automation and digital technologies has increased employment opportunities. Having said that, computer automation does create a substantial displacement of jobs. The jobs created by computer automation makes displaced workers unable to take on these jobs. This is due to the fact that most of the created occupations require a completely new set of skills that the displaced workers must be able to acquire. In other words, computer automation causes high-wage jobs to take over low-wage jobs, contributing to income inequality.

The Digital Divide in Education

The substantial displacement of jobs and the skills needed to fulfill them causes a skills gap. The differences between the rich and poor in internet access has created disparities in educational success. Rich individuals have the resources to access the latest technologies and, therefore, gain better educational experiences. On the other hand, the poor stay stuck on outdated ideas and see their professional growth stagnate. Some argue that technology improves access to education from the best schools and universities through massive open online courses (MOOC). Nevertheless, we cannot expect children without proper internet access in low-income school districts to acquire the proper tech skills needed to be successful in today’s economy.

How Digital Technologies are a Democratizing Force

Economic Growth

Throughout history, technology has been a driver of economic growth. The invention of the steam engine during the First Industrial Revolution improved economic development in Europe. The same argument applies to the combustion engine and breakthroughs in the form of electricity distribution during the Second Industrial Revolution, and the development of computers and digital systems during the Third Industrial Revolution. As we experience the Fourth Industrial Revolution, sparked by technologies like Artificial Intelligence and blockchain, some are worried about the potential of economic inequality. However, history shows that innovation increases productivity and these new and emerging technologies aren’t the exception. Global supply chains can become more effective, which would make the cost of trade to decrease and open new markets that can lead to economic growth. Furthermore, online e-commerce platforms are currently giving small businesses the opportunity to sell their products around the world. Technology has helped business owners explore and find new markets.

Social Movements

There are many ethical themes and dilemmas involving social media. Disinformation, privacy, and cyber-bullying are just some examples of concerns that arise from these platforms. Having said that, social media has been a driver for social movements that give minorities and underprivileged communities a voice for social justice. Still, we need to be aware that social media can be used as a divisive force as disinformation, political propaganda, and extreme ideologies further polarizes society into distinct groups. The jury is still out on social media on how it actually impacts the current social structure.

Final Thoughts

As digital technologies continues to evolve, there isn’t a forgone conclusion that it increases social inequality. It has shown that it has the potential to raise global income levels and improve the quality of life for populations around the world. Nevertheless, as computer automation substitutes labor across the entire economy, the net displacement of workers by machines might worsen the wealth gap. The truth is that technology isn’t going anywhere. Governments, private companies, and educational institutions have a responsibility to promote the equal distribution of resources as technology becomes more embedded within societies.

